Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What is a blog? A Primer for Beginners at Blogging

What is a blog? The question was on thousands of lips in 2004, when blogging was new. Since then, literally hundreds of millions of blogs have hit the Web spanning just about any subject under the sun. And the concept of a blog itself has evolved to become so much more than the plain and simple online diaries they were at the beginning.
So the question "What is a blog?" may well be legitimate all over again - in a whole new way. Let's talk about it.

A blog is an online diary. That's the simplest definition I can think of. And one that I give flippantly whenever someone first asks me "What is a blog?" The last thing you want to do is launch into a technical explanation when the person is merely "casually curious"!
A blogger (which is the fancy name for the person who writes a blog) publishes content through a 'point and click' interface that makes blogging a piece of cake. No tweaking with code or tinkering with scripts any more.
For a fuller explanation about blogging basics, you may want to read my free report, "Blog Basics for Marketers" - click here to download a copy (and sign up for the free blogging ecourse, too)
For more about "What is a blog?", read the full post on my Infopreneur Blog.

Enchantment - a blog about the book

I'm blogging about my progress through Guy Kawasaki's
new book, ENCHANTMENT - The Art of Changing Hearts,
Minds and Actions.

Please drop by the Enchantment Book Blog.

Read along - and get enchanted!

The two latest posts are about:

* what's behind the phrase "Don't Menschion It"

* why my daughter asked if I was grinning like a gorilla

Monday, February 14, 2011

47 HEARTS - You can make it a hot-100 bestseller

It's time...

Time to think about your business' purpose.

Eleven years ago, I did.

I asked myself this:
What would you do for a child in pain, who was ill
and had little chance of being made well without
an expensive surgery?
   What if it were your child?

The answer was simple and glaringly obvious.
You'd do whatever you need to do to make whatever
needs to happen, happen.

That's the story of 11 years which I share by way
of 47 short, inspirational axioms in a powerful
little book called
  Passion, Purpose & Persistence"

Now what if all YOU needed to do was read this
book - to help save a child's life?

Would you be willing to do so little while helping
so much?

My non-profit CHD Foundation works with children
in India who suffer from Congenital Heart Defects.

I perform the surgeries.  I raise funds to help pay
for them by writing and selling ebooks.  I do it
because these families are not able to come up with
all the money.

   And without treatment, children will suffer.

Now you can help me help those families when
you purchase the digital version of "47 Hearts".

Plus if you are willing to tell just one person,
you can help even more.
Will you order the ebook, "47 Hearts" from this
page and then tell just one special someone about
You're MY 'one person'.

You know me. And I know you know someone,
someone in your life who has needed so much
more than you've been able to give.

So you gave what you could, and it helped.

Will you do that now?

When each of us makes even a small gesture,
it adds up to sharing and healing a heart, which
is ultimately connected to our own.

Share your heart. Buy the digital version of
"47 Hearts"
Have a wonderful and love filled Valentine's Day.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Buy The List Edge & Get a $179 Bonus

I said this about Gabor Olah's new course, THE LIST EDGE:
  "I recommend that you buy "The List Edge" IF you
  want to learn how to build BIG and RESPONSIVE
  email lists to later sell high-ticket products
  (or even lower priced ones) as an affiliate
  marketer or product creator."

Because I've suffered from apathy of opt-in list members
- and even abandoned a 15,000 strong email list early
in my marketing experience!
My The List Edge bonus (a $179.00 value) will show you
how to avoid this.

Read about it and a full The List Edge review here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

47 HEARTS - Buy a Book, Save a Child's Life

"47 Hearts" is a book about living your dream life with passion, purpose and persistence.
On the first anniversary of its launch as a print title, "47 Hearts" will become available as an eBook from Kindle store.
To raise congenital heart defects awareness and try and get it to rank as a #1 best-seller on the Kindle store, the author Dr.Mani is making an introductory offer where you can get "47 Hearts" for only $2.99 - AND get over $160 in bonuses and gifts!
For details about the book, the fund raising event and a link to order from the Kindle eBook store, please visit the website at

Monday, February 7, 2011

The List Edge Review

IF you want to learn how to build BIG and RESPONSIVE email lists to later sell high-ticket products (or even lower priced ones) as an affiliate marketer or product creator, The List Edge is a program you'll want to consider.
Dr.Mani had the chance to review The List Edge, and shares his opinion of this list building course by Gabor Olah and Peter Lenkefi on his blog, "The Infopreneur Blog".
You can order "The List Edge" here.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The List Edge Bonus

This short FREE report shares 3 powerful steps to massive success with email lists.  (It will take barely 3 minutes to read - and may boost your bottom line by 300% or MORE!)

Building email lists is an important component of online business, and understanding how to do it well can be a critical edge that helps you get ahead of your competition.
Read all about "The List Edge" and power list building on this web site.  You'll find a detailed The List Edge review.

And if you're thinking about buying a copy of the course, you'll want to read all about The List Edge bonus too.
For more tips about list building, sign up for updates to the list building blog at the site.
